Lesson 5: Isolation: Staying Safe in the Virtual World
Grooming Can occur both in the real world and online in the “cyber-world.” Students will learn about the possible cyber dangers and the importance of being very careful about information they share online. In this lesson, we are introduced to two scenarios, one with a female student(“parents out late overnight”) and another with a male student(“has friends he only knows online”), that help demonstrate concerns within our cyber-world and the necessary precautions we need to take to stay safe. Cyber-grooming is one of these concerns. It resembles the grooming process abusers use to get close to potential victims but in the virtual and often anonymous world of the internet and social media. Appropriate uses of technology are discussed, including developing rules to stay safe in the virtual world by formulating a Cyber-Safety Plan.
Teacher Notes-
Please print out each document for every student to have:
-Point of View
-Cyber P.L.A.N. Worksheet
-Parent Letter
There are some times where the class will need to discuss the worksheets, or a few questions. Please help facilitate the class discussions, hand out materials and if questions arise that you feel comfortable answering please do so or reach out to myself to assist with those as you see fit.