The purpose of these videos and challenges is to help students build good Mental Health habits and muscles. Just like schoolwork, in order to build these muscles consistency is the key. Find a time each day to practice these simple things. (These are also on the District Counseling Page that students can view them whenever)

Most of the videos will be geared towards 6th-12th grade students (and adults), but there are K-5 cans till get lots out of the short videos. There will be other activities as well for younger students.

I.M.P.R.O.V.E. The Moment 7 Day Challenge

Feel free to use the workbook how you see fit with your kids. The workbook is to help younger students still practice what is being taught and practice ways to "IMPROVE the Moment."

Challenge Intro

Day 1: Imagery Video

Day 2: Meaning Video

Day 3: Proximity Video

Day 4: Relaxation Video

Day 5: One Thing, Moment at a Time Video

Day 6: Vacation Video

Day 7: Encouragement Video

7 Day Challenge Workbook (K-12)