Lesson 2: Fitting In & Acceptance

This lesson introduces the concept of safe vs. unsafe relationships and the balance of power in relationships. Students will learn about the connections between the desire for acceptance and the balance of power in those relationships. The need to maintain personal boundaries is essential to preserving the balance of power. When there is a shift in the balance of power, one person in the relationship can be manipulated and controlled by the other person. Students will learn how to use the Think, Feel, Act (TFA) rule to identify the red flags of potentially dangerous situations. In the video, students will see the connection between wanting to be accepted and the balance of power. Sarah is pressured by her first boyfriend, Mike, to have some time alone with him. Sarah, though happy to have a boyfriend, is uncomfortable with this and is unsure of what to do. She doesn't want to risk losing his affection. Students will be introduced to the strategies that can be used to maintain healthy relationships, with an appropriate balance of power, while preserving their personal power, and retaining acceptance.