Lesson 4: Safe and UnSafe Touches

Lesson 4 will cover the differences between Safe and Unsafe Touches, as well as how these touches make children feel. Students will be able to identify feelings associated with touches, understand where their Private Parts are and that those parts are private and that nobody should be looking at or touching them. We will address two situations when it is acceptable for a parent or guardian to look at their Private Parts: when they are injured or feel pain and when they are at the doctor. Both situations will require a Grown-Up Buddy. Children also will learn that if a touch is confusing, (one that makes them feel “icky,” uncomfortable or confused) it is unsafe and they need to tell someone in their Trusted Triangle and keep telling until they are heard and helped (the two “H’s”).

Materials Needed:

-Personal Space Worksheet activity center for each student. -Private Parts Worksheet activity center for each student. -Crayons/markers and a pencil. -Homework Sheet-Lesson 4 stickers.-Lesson 4 parent letter for each student.

Teacher Notes:

For the Personal Space center activity, your students will be asked to draw a circle around each person on the sheet, indicating their personal space. Then, if possible, copy the sentence that says “My body is special and belongs to me!” During the Private Parts center activity, students will be asked to color the bathing suit to reinforce the concept of private parts. Students may giggle because they are embarrassed or uncomfortable. It’s important for them to know that they all have private parts and they all have personal space that should be respected.