Lesson 1: Safety Rules

This lesson will introduce the curriculum and the idea that rules keep us safe. It will cover important safety rules that children should follow to stay safe. Children will learn about the idea of a Safety Stop Sign, reminding them that they always have the ability to say no in a situation that makes them feel unsafe. Students will have the opportunity to make and decorate their own Safety Stop Signs. In this lesson, we will demonstrate and students will practice using their I Mean Business Voice, which they will be encouraged to use in any situation that makes them feel unsafe.

Teacher Notes:

Before you begin, send the Introductory Parent Letter home that explains the program. If parents have questions they can reach out to me. These parent letters aren’t permission slips. However, if a parent feels strongly about not having their child participate please let me know.

What you need for Lesson 1: -Safer, Smarter Kids Journals for each student. (This is located on the K-1 Page of Safer, Smarter Kids)-Stickers: Safety Stop Sign and I Mean Business Voice. (Print one page and cut one out for each student).-Safety Stop Sign center activity for each student.-Markers, crayons, scissors, popsicle sticks, glue. -I Mean Business Voice Center Activity one for each student.-Lesson 1 Parent Letters.
The directions for centers are simple. Safety Stop Sign center activity, I’m going to ask that your students color, decorate their stop sign, cut it out and glue it to a popsicle stick. The I Mean Business Voice center activity, I’m going to ask that they circle the unsafe activities and practice saying “Stop! That’s not safe!” Each student should practice saying this.