Lesson 1: Kids' Bill of Rights
This lesson reinforces the concept of community. Along with the idea that citizens need rules to be safe in their community, the concept of the rights to which all citizens are entitled is introduced. Background information on the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights is provided for the introduction to the Kids’ Bill of Rights, building the framework for all of the lessons in the 4th Grade curriculum. Students will be introduced to the Kids’ Bill of Rights, which includes their rights to safety, respect, their identity, a voice and their childhood. Within each lesson, these rights are fully developed as students observe scenarios in which each of their rights is illustrated through interaction with Lauren and a group of students in an after-school program. The dialogue and problem-solving strategies that are modeled help students to see how they can make safe choices and decisions as they internalize their rights.
Teacher Notes:
Please refer to the Teacher Guide on this Safer, Smarter, Kids 4-5 page. This will guide the activities as well.
This lesson involves classroom discussion, which you will be in charge of leading. Racquel will start a conversation in the lesson video and she will have you pause at different points to discuss different things with your class. In your students’ learning log, they will work on a “Rights Concept Frame”. When she recorded the lesson she read it out loud and that might be confusing. This can also be found as the "Teacher Led Activity" below.
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Childhood - Your right to be a kid; to play, learn and have friends without fear.
Identity - All your ideas, beliefs, and strengths that make you who you are.
Privacy - Keeping others from seeing or hearing things that are personal; your body, personal information, and even your thoughts.
Respect - Your right to be treated like you are valuable and important.
Right - An individual freedom that you are entitled to.
Safety - The right to feel comfortable, happy, and safe in your surroundings.
Voice - Your right to be heard and to share your opinions, needs, fears or hopes.
Materials Needed:
Teacher Led Activity Worksheet
Parent Letter for every student
Learning Log for every student