Lesson 4: Safe and Unsafe Secrets

In this lesson children witness someone being asked to keep a secret, as well as what to do when the P.L.A.N. changes. The Secret Gauge is introduced as a new safety tool that helps children determine if a secret is safe or unsafe. A safe secret is one that will eventually be told and make everyone smile – like a surprise party or a best friend handshake. An unsafe secret is one that will not be told and makes you feel icky or confused. Children learn that their Secret Gauge is always with them and it helps them decide if a secret is safe or unsafe. Children also learn that it is not safe to ever keep an unsafe secret no matter who asks or tells them to keep the secret. When faced with being asked to keep a secret, they learn to use Think, Feel, Act to help them process how the secret makes them feel. If it makes them feel icky or confused they must tell their Grown-Up Buddy or someone in their Trusted Triangle.

Teacher Note:

Please refer to the Teacher Guide on the Safer, Smarter, Kids 2-3 page. This will guide the activities and have the answers to any handout/activity.

So you can reinforce, a safe secret is one that will eventually be told and make everyone smile - like a surprise party or a best friend handshake. An unsafe secret is one that will never be told and makes you feel icky or confused.

If any students become uncomfortable about this lesson please follow up with them. Reach out to one of the counselors and we can determine as a team how to proceed. Just a reminder that we are mandated reporters, it’s our duty to keep our children safe.

Materials Needed:

  • Lesson 4 Bi-fold

  • Sticker: Secret Gauge