Lesson 2: Awareness of Surroundings
This lesson will teach children about staying safe by focusing on their surroundings and looking for unsafe situations. The introduction of “Safety Goggles” teaches children to assess their surroundings by teaching them to focus on the situation. The review of the Safety Barometer reinforces he concept that children need to always gauge a situation that might be unsafe to make a safe decision. The importance of children knowing their address and phone number is stressed in this lesson as a critical safety tool. Knowing their house or apartment number and who should have that information, as well as their street name, and how and where to look for that information, is taught as a strategy for staying safe.
Teacher Note:
Please refer to the Teacher Guide on the Safer, Smarter, Kids 2-3 page. This will guide the activities and have the answers to any handout/activity.
Materials Needed:
Safety Goggles stickers - cut one out for each student
Lesson 2 Bi-fold Activity